NWEAMO 2020 Concert ONE
Welcome to NWEAMO 2020’s curated YouTube concerts.
Viewing suggestions: If you scroll down this page you will see a series of thumbnails that we have arranged in an order that we think is an interesting context for these very diverse pieces.
Along with each thumbnail are links to the composers and performers, as were provided to us by the artist themselves.
Please click on the links to find out more about the folks behind each piece.
If you end up out in YouTube land, you may need to use the back arrow on your browser to get back to the NWEAMO main page, or close the tab.
You can play all the YouTube performances by clicking
The Concert ONE playlist here
or select individual performances from the YouTube links below.
This will play all the pieces in order with one click.
After watching Concert ONE
click here to play Concert TWO
There will be several different ways to experience this grouping, depending on the device you are using, laptop, smart phone, smart TV etc.
Enjoy! Jozefius

Variations on a Balkan Rhythm
Nick Bonaccio
More on Nick Bonaccio
More on Peter Ferry
More on Cooper Vacheron

Third movement of Kurt Schwitters’ Ursonate
Performed by Kristen Loree and Jack Ox
More about Jack Ox, Kristen Loree and Kurt Schwitters

Table Talk
Alyssa Weinberg

Murmurations on Palestrina
Composed by Eric Honour
Performed by UCM New Technologies Ensemble
More about Eric Honour

Composed by Gene Pritsiker
Performed with the Compcord Ensemble
(Based on Mozart’s Sonata in E Minor, K. 304)

As You Said
Composed by Jack Bruce & Cream
arranged by : Martin Bresnick
Performed by TwoSense – Lisa Moore piano / voice and
Ashley Bathgate cello / voice
Information on TwoSense
Information on Martin Bresnick

Maps (of Friendship)
Composed by Sky MacKlay
Performed by andPlay (Maya Bennardo and Hannah Levinson)
More information on Sky MacKlay

by Daniel Bernard Roumain
Performed by Felix Olschofka
More about Daniel Bernard Roumain

Blurred Lines
Young Shin Choi

3 Bagatelles from The Local Group
Jeffrey Mosier

Gregory T.S. Walker Video Guitar and Orchestra
Gregory T.S. Walker and the Stratus Chamber Orchestra

Good Night
Joshua Jackson
More about Joshua Jackson
Good Night
After watching Concert ONE
click here to play Concert TWO
Now get up and stretch,
get some snacks,
come back and
watch part TWO HERE
Thank you for participating in NWEAMO 2020’s online concerts.
We think you would like the live performances even more.
Come back next year and see!

A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers this year: Texu Kim, Al and Linda Masters, Bombasticus, Jeonghyeon Joo, Seunghee Han and Hyun-Min Lee and especially Tim Poulin who edited the trailer for this year.

And of course we thank Artistic Director Jozefius, without whom none of this would have been possible.
Founded in 1998, NWEAMO is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the promotion of music and other time-based arts that involve the evolving integration of computers and electronics, and to the development of a diverse community of time-based artists, composers and performers throughout the world.
We embrace all styles of music as well as visual, virtual, performance and hybrid arts. Evolving, ancient and interaction are especially encouraged. With these goals in mind, each year NWEAMO organizes an international festival of evolving time-based arts.
The NWEAMO festival has traveled to Portland, San Diego, New York, and Boulder in the U.S., and to Mexico City, Berlin, Tokyo and Venice. Since its inception the festival has featured an eclectic mix of performances filling concert halls with beats, newly invented instruments, video, dance, and electronic music rooted on seemingly disparate concepts and aesthetics. High and low, street and laboratory – everything converges by design at a NWEAMO event.
Please join in!

AKA Dr. Joseph Waters
Sincerely, NWEAMO RATPD – “Rough And Tumble Play Department”