NWEAMO travels West
November 12 and 13 in Tokyo
The Japanese Society for Sonic Arts (JSSA)
https://nweamo.org/ (更新中)
2016年11月13日(日)13:00 リスニング・ブース(開場)、14:00 コンサート
会場:公園通りクラシックス http://koendoriclassics.com/
チケットの購入:e+(イープラス)チケット <http://eplus.jp>
チケットの予約:JSSA 事務局 <office@jssa.info>ディレクター:ジョーゼフ・ウォーターズ(カリフォルニア州立大
後援:日本電子音楽協会、日本現代音楽協会、一般社団法人 日本作曲家協議会
助成:公益財団法人 アサヒグループ芸術文化財団、公益財団法人 ローム ミュージック ファンデーション—-
1. Ellie- Jason Hobman
2. Sense- Panayiotis Kokoras
3. Elastic Galactic- Chris Warren
4. Present-Day Jakuchu Series: Butterfly Pictures “Mourning Cloak” –
Naotoshi Osaka
5. Gris-Gris Man – Gregory Walker
6. Eighteen- Adam James Wilso
7. Minnehaha Miniatures- Lynn Bechtold
8. Nagare- Yoshia Yasuda
9. Spinning Song- Dan Cooper
10. Sarahal- Mari Kimura
11. Cali Karsilama- Joseph Martin Waters
21:30 終演予定
1. Toreutique- Vanessa Massera
2. Future Creatures- Alexander Sigman
3. Braingame #1- Marcus Anomalous
4. Glowing Forest- Young-Shin Choi
5. Walmart 3am- Paul Botelho
6. detritus | reconstructions- Alexander Sigman
7. Jisei 2.0- Gregory Walker
8. EeOoEe- Joseph Martin Waters
9. Cornelia St. – Joseph Martin Waters
15:30 終演予定
Listening booth:
Paolo Pastorino- Dimensione aggiuntiva
Rikhardur H. Fridriksson- Postcards from North and South
Kyohei Hayashi- “Stained glass windows in the sky”
Armand Lesecq- Méandre
Sibylle Pomorin- Zephyr
Hoyong Lee- Habits of 0&1
Won Lee- Taping Impulses
Ayako Sato- “August, blue colored green”
Kotoka Suzuki- Automata | Mechanical Garden
JONGCHAN HYUN- Durante mi viaje
Nicoletta Andreuccetti- Living Voices
Anna Terzaroli- Polyphonic N
Neil Rolnick – “O Brother”
Antonio D’Amato- Körper
Antonio D’Amato- Construction 1
Dear JSSA members,
I’m pleased to announce that NWEAMO Festival Tokyo 2016 will be presented as part of JSSA Music Festival 2016 at Koen Dori Classics in Shibuya, Tokyo on November 12 and 13:
For this festival, we received more than a hundred submissions from all over the world. Those works selected by the selection committee headed by Prof. Joseph Waters will be presented at the festival. We believe that you can enjoy not only the two concerts but also the listening booth with its excellent works.
I hope that you won’t miss this rare opportunity of an international event of computer music in Japan.
Akira Takaoka
Officer, NWEAMO and JSSA
NWEAMO Festival Tokyo 2016: JSSA Music Festival 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Venue: Koen Dori Classics: http://koendoriclassics.com/
Location: http://koendoriclassics.com/ac
Admissions: ¥2,000, ¥1,000 (JSSA members), ¥1,000 (Students)
Tickets are available for purchase at: e+ Ticket <http://eplus.jp>
or send JSSA <office@jssa.info> a request for ticket reservation.
Director: Joseph Waters
Technical Director: Chris Warren
Supported by JSEM, JFC, JSCM, ICMA
Sponsored by Asahi Group Arts Foundation, Rohm Music Foundation