NWEAMO 2020 was a success!

We held a liveStream concert on May 16th,
direct from Seoul, Korea,
featuring Haegeum virtuoso Jeonghyeon Joo
and harp virtuoso Seunghee Han.

And released the NWEAMO 2020
curated YouTube video collection.
curated YouTube video collection.
Release date: 6-17-2020 2 pm PST.
Social distancing is giving us opportunities to explore new ways in which artists can contribute in a meaningful way to helping us understand ourselves.
Like many festivals, NWEAMO is proactively exploring ways in which social distancing creates new opportunities.
Rather than fight it, we are exploring what’s better. The result is perhaps our most eclectic festival ever.

San Diego Story’s
NWEAMO 2020 Review
1. Prelude by André Jolivet
2. Music for Haegeum and Harp by Sngkn Kim
3. Things by Joseph Martin Waters
– Interlude – Life Extraordinaire by Hyun-min Lee
4. 澤洙 [Zezhu] by Texu Kim
5. Two Korean Folk Songs by Junghae Lee
Streamed from EUM Studio, Seoul, South Korea
Audio Engineer Jungmyun Lee
Video Engineer Hyun-min Lee

The works range from sample based EDM, works composed for musical theater, classical adaptations of iconic rock pieces, new orchestral works from some of the world’s most original new thinkers, and works that combine the music and aesthetics of eastern and western traditions.
The Sunday video concert series include dazzling virtuosic performances, as well as video animations. The curated, invited group includes Pulitzer Prize winners Jennifer Higdon and Roger Reynolds, award-winning Broadway composer Bobby Cronin, rising star Korean American composer Texu Kim, Martin Bresnick (the esteemed composer and professor who has run the celebrated Yale School of Music composition department for four decades, and who is the teacher of a generation of today’s prominent classical composers), plus a heady lineup of works that will pique your fascination, from Daniel Roumain, Nick Bonaccio, Sky Macklay, Milica Paranosic, Eric Honour, Gregory T.S. Walker, Jeffrey Mosier, Alyssa Weinberg, Rodrigo Sigal, Young Shin Choi, Mari Kimura, Jeff Alan Ross, Christopher Adler, Jack Ox, Aaron Hudson, John Young, Gene Pritsker, Joshua Jackson and Joseph Martin Waters.
Why put these composers together? Because together they say something that is bigger than the sum of the parts. There is a hidden intuitive dialogue that weaves these far flung pieces into a conversation about who we are collectively. Together they weave tapestries that we can only guess at intellectually, but which we can begin to understand emotionally. It’s like walking though the Impressionist gallery at the Museum of Modern Arts. Seeing all those masterpieces together in the same room creates a context that reveals something about their world. That is the 22 year mission of NWEAMO.
The three day festival will start off with a live streaming concert from Seoul Korea, performed by Haegeum virtuoso Jeonghyeon Joo and Harpist Seunghee Han.
The Haegeum is a classical traditional Korean string instrument, distantly resembling a viola, but it only has two silk-woven strings and the bow goes in between the strings. It has a deep, impassioned, rich voice. Jeonghyeon Joo is the leading exponent worldwide. Ms. Joo will be moving to the United States this fall to begin doctoral studies at Cal Arts.
(New West Evolving Arts and Music Organism)
Founded in 1998, NWEAMO is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to dissolving cultural barriers and building inclusive communities of artists, scientists and children of all ages throughout the world.

We embrace all styles of music as well as visual, performance and hybrid arts. With these goals in mind, each year NWEAMO organizes an international festival of music, often spilling into other arts. We are constantly seeking ways to evolve and adapt to a quickly changing world, and to be of service.
This festival seeks to establish and showcase new modes of performance by focusing on works which play with the creative exploration of today’s emerging ideas, experiments, hunches and dreams.

The NWEAMO festival has traveled to Portland, San Diego, New York, and Boulder in the U.S., and to Mexico City, Berlin, Tokyo and Venice.

Since its inception the festival has featured an eclectic mix of performances filling concert halls with beats, newly invented instruments, video, dance, and electronic music rooted on seemingly disparate concepts and aesthetics.
High and low, street and laboratory – everything converges by design at a NWEAMO event.
Please join in!

AKA Dr. Joseph Waters
Sincerely, NWEAMO RATPD – “Rough And Tumble Play Department”